
Oh gosh, I have loads, of course. Do you think it would be helpful to put together a few "types" of lists, broken down by genre or medium?

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Kale Zelden

Great piece. I have recently begun reading Dante’s Divine Comedy, something that was never taught or even mentioned in my undergraduate years.

Beyond distraction, I think that many, especially young people who have been heavily conditioned by internet discourse and social media, struggle immensely with even attempting to engage thoughtfully with difficult texts. It’s much easier to just react, usually while assuming an indignant or self-righteous posture, than to critically engage.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Kale Zelden

Great piece, Kale. A few quibbles: wisdom is not "available" in an instant or to be found at our fingertips. Also, I think the failure of educators or "keepers" slant -that reminded me of D.H. Lawrence, by the way- is too one sided. I think what you're missing out on are the systematic forces (of innovation, distraction) that are pulling us or luring us in that direction.

Have you read M. Hanby's brilliant Communio piece on the American Revolution? I think it would be interesting to ask, as Chad Wellmon does, why the Great Books programmes were in some sense bound to fail. Since the late 19th c the emphasis on research, science and "truthfulness" (B. Williams) have been more important than moral formation and transmission ( by the way, Arendt has a very interesting chapter on the latter).

Hope all else is well?



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Any recommendations for Old Books?

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I made it all the way through high school and college without hearing about "The Great Books" so, while I don't know who is responsible for destroying "the tradition," I think much knowledge/wisdom has been lost and I'm not sure how to get it back. I think a lot of my teachers/professors didn't have any because it wasn't something they were taught, and I'm not confident I can regain it myself by spending the scant free time I have delving into classic texts alone, without any guidance. It's only in the past couple of years that I've come to know of places like St. John's College and Thomas More College. Maybe one day my future children can be properly educated... if all the wisdom hasn't been lost by then.

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We are either being distracted or distracting others. I also like to think, what do I need this information for? There is a ton of information but how much is really a value to us? Great article. Love hearing Kale's thoughts.

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